

Student Conduct sanctioning is intended to:
  1. Promote the student’s education regarding the experience.
  2. Educate the student so they do not commit the violation again.
  3. Offer the student the opportunity to restore any harm resulting from the incident.
  4. Ensure that University expectations regarding appropriate behavior are clear.
  5. Educate the student concerning how their behavior impacts others in the University Community.
Student Conduct Sanctions
Sanctions may be imposed by the Dean of Students upon any individual student or student organization found “Responsible” for violations of this Code. In light of the facts and circumstances of each case, a Student Affairs hold may be placed by the Dean of Students Office on Registration (if not already in place) upon receiving sanctions or failure to comply with the imposed sanctions. A student found responsible for a violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to sanctions proportionate to the offense with consideration given to any aggravating and mitigating circumstances, including but not limited to the student’s conduct record. The assignment of any sanction may be delayed at the discretion of the Dean of Students.